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Stunning Miss A

November 9, 2021

•Were you nervous about your session? Yes & no. I was somewhat nervous just because I have gained a little weight since my last photo shoot and I wasn’t sure how I would look on camera. I love my body but I still have some insecurities and I was worried that would show through the photos. I wasn’t as nervous as I thought I would be once we got started simply because of how comfortable Molly made me feel!

•What did you like best about your boudoir experience? I’m not sure I could pick one thing, but if I had to it would simply be how I felt inside. The confidence it gave me had me on cloud nine!

•What inspired you to book a boudoir session? I am the new in-house hair and make up artist and I was lucky enough to do this photo shoot with Molly to help her with new lighting and help her explore ideas that she had not explored yet. It was a win-win!

•What made you choose a Marlayne Larsen Boudoir Artistry? I might be biased, but it was a no brainer 😜😜

•Did the experience help give you a more positive perception of yourself? 1000%! I was so nervous to wear certain things and explore the leather and whips and chains which I’ve always secretly wanted to do. I realized that I have a lot more sex appeal then I thought and it was cool to step into a “character” per say and really get into it! I think my husband really enjoyed it as well 😂

•Would you recommend this experience to a friend? I would recommend this to a friend, a stranger, a mother, grandmother, the checkout lady at target! The experience without a doubt is life changing.

•Is there anything we can do to make experience better for you in the future?
The experience was perfection. Don’t change a thing! ❤️😘

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